Family Viewing
Practitioners | Mobile
Family viewing allows family law practitioners to view their clients' communications whenever it's required. It also gives them direct access to concrete records that are protected from manipulation and fabrication by either parent.
Frequently asked questions
Why don't I see a particular client in the list of accounts I am able to view?
If you do not see the option to view a particular client or you do not see them on your My Cases list, you do not have professional access to their account. Check the status of your access request in My Cases or send them an access request if you haven't already.
Why am I unable to create a journal/event/ schedule change request for my client?
Only practitioners who have been granted professional access to both parents in a family are able to create entries within parent accounts. You can request access to the other parent in the family in My Cases.
Viewing client activity
Client view mode allows you to access client records on OurFamilyWizard without hassle. Rather than having to wait for your client to send you important information, you can simply sign into your OurFamilyWizard practitioner account on your own schedule.
Creating entries
When you are connected to both parents in a family, you're able to assist parents with creating certain entries, like journals and events, directly within their accounts.
> Learn about the different types of entries you can create and how