Vital Family Law Webinar Series - Presentation Resources
In our Vital Family Law webinar series, we're bringing together renowned special guest speakers for a series of discussions focusing on current and critical topics in the Family Law community.
Use the links below to access materials and resources from past presentations in our series.
- Child Alienation: What, Why and How to Overcome It - 13 August, 2020
- RIFT (Reportable Intensive Family Therapy) - 27 August, 2020
- Innovative 21st Century Thinking in the Court Room Utilising the Power of Parenting Programmes - 10 September, 2020
- Resist-Refuse Dynamics within the Context of Allegations of Trauma - 24 September, 2020
- Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice - 8 October, 2020
- Parenting Coordination - 22 October, 2020
- Weaponised Children: Wars, Ghosts and the adults the children will become - 5 November, 2020
- Discovering What Children Want to Tell Us: A Child Centred Approach - 19 November, 2020
- Voice of The Child - 3 December, 2020
- The State of Family Law in Australia in 2020 and Predictions for the Future - 17 December, 2020